Monday, December 3, 2007

Thank you's that need noting...

Like so many other roads I have traveled, building The Quilt and Needle was a longer, bumpier ride than I ever imagined. This interactive quilting community would not be in existence if it wasn't for the much needed help and support of some very special people:

Josh Ward at Josh Ward Designs, brought my vision to life, gave my words and fabric somewhere to sit. If you ever need an awesome website designed in under 20 seconds, he is your guy. Cliff Olle gave the best advice on so many aspects of building an online community, as did my brother, Rick Eicher, and Becki at quiltropolis. Kaitlin Olle (always and forever spelled with an i) brought our logo to life and helped begin to form a picture in my head of what all of this would look like. Cheryl Clifton, a good MIL and fabulous friend, and my sweet BIL Jason Smith, manipulated our graphics time and time again and inspired so many of the little details on this website.

Jax, Blue, Belle, Aristotle, and my 25 fish suffered for 8 months while I ignored them to build this. Sorry guys, I will make it up to you! My friends and fellow conspirators at Block Central - you supported this project from its conception, were the first ones to glimpse my often awkward ideas, and encouraged me to keep going. Thanks for being my first and so loved patrons. My handful of proofreaders - thanks for catching my misplaced modifiers and apostrophes.

My friend, my teacher, my confidant, my Mom, Nawma. You gave me wings, helped me fly, and often scraped me up off the pavement when I fell in front of a car. Lastly, my love, my life, Billy and the ruler of my world, Sammy. You guys are the ground I stand on and the reason I reach for the stars.

-- Jess

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