Friday, September 25, 2009

Speed Pieced Geese

Speed Pieced Geese
Tutorial by Jessica J.E. Smith

“This method for flying geese is awesome because it doesn’t waste any fabric and is very accurate.”
- Sally, Golden Shores, AZ

A Few Goose Rules

÷ Finished Flying Geese are twice as wide as they are tall.
÷ This method creates four Flying Geese each time you complete the steps.
÷ You need one large square and four small squares for each set of four Flying Geese.
÷ The large square will make the “goose” and the small squares will make the two “sky” pieces.
÷ LARGE SQUARE SIZE—Add 1-1/4” to the desired finished width of Flying Geese.
÷ SMALL SQUARE SIZE—Add 7/8” to the desired finished height of Flying Geese.


÷ To make four 6” wide x 3” tall Flying Geese you will need:
One 7-1/4” square (to be the “goose” triangles)
Four 3-7/8” squares (to be the “sky” triangles)
÷ Right sides together, layer one small square in the top left corner of a large square and another small square in the bottom right corner of the larger square. The small squares will overlap each other a bit. Mark a line on the diagonal of the two small squares. Sew a scant 1/4” on either side of the marked line, and cut on the marked line. Press open the flaps, seams toward darker fabric, to make two heart-shaped pieces. Trim dog ears.

÷ Right sides together, layer a matching small square in the corner of one of the heart-shaped pieces. Mark a line on the diagonal of the square, sew a scant 1/4” on either side of the marked line, and cut on the marked line. Press open the flaps, seams toward darker fabric and trim dog ears, to make two Flying Geese. Repeat with the other heart-shaped piece for a total of four Flying Geese.

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