
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A few new faces

Three of my Forum members are going to help me keep our blog updated with the latest Q&N news, and what's going on in the Quilting World.

Welcome Cindy, Dorian, and Pat! We can't wait to see what you all have to say!



  1. Hey Jess!

    Thanks for the welcome.

    I'm finally getting somewhere with my With this Ring quilt, that I'm making in our book club. I really like these colors, they are so striking together. I have all my rings completed and put together. Now for the long part, the applique. It will take me awhile, but I want to start working on it a few nights a week.

    Hmm, I'll have to figure out how to post pictures here...



  2. aw thanks, jess!! the quilt&needle has lots of plans in store for 2009 and i am excited to be a part of it! as soon as a few details are ironed out, i'll post some info on the 3 Snug Society projects for the coming year. it's does a heart good to see how much these quilts are appreciated by those who need the comfort offered by this fabulous group of quilters!

  3. Hi, Jess! Thanks for the warm welcome. :-)

    There is so much happening on the Q&N right now, I am wondering where to start.

    Thank you for creating this warm and comfy place for quilters to gather and share ideas, swap fabric, play games, make quilts together and just chat about what is happening in our own quilty corners of the world. Here in the Snug, the world feels much smaller and friendlier as we gather closer together in our own cyber quilting bee.

    There is always room for one more chair, come and join us ... join in one of our projects or bring your current WIP and spend awhile here with us ...

    :-) Pat (Scrapatches)
